About us

ABOUT BoraCush

We provide several varieties of coffee.

At BoraCush, our mission is to empower people economically and socially, through working together with the communities. We want to bring about lasting socioeconomic development one cup of coffee at a time.
Our Story Boracush

Striving and working to make life better for everyone!

We are a socially committed coffee processor and exporter with a brand built on honoring the men and women who work hard every day to cultivate the unique coffee enjoyed by so many around the world.
Strive and work to make life better for all!


Dieudonne Ajah (Dio)

Dieudonne Ajah (Dio) is a cofounder of BoraCush Ventures in Germany. Born and raised in Nigeria he studied Medicine at the RWTH-Aachen University in Germany. In 2022 he completed an eMBA course with the Quantic school of Business and Technology. Dio currently works as a general surgeon in Germany.

Dio, just like Jimmy, comes from a very humble background with parents who were petty Traders and Farmers, and thus knows first-hand what it means when farmers do not get a fair share of the benefits of their products. This background is one of the reasons he is driven to be an inspiration to empowering others. It is a driving motivation to see BoraCush Ventures become a force of socioeconomic change in society.

Dio is generally involved in Planning, Coordination and Execution of the BoraCush projects.

Jimmy Karrywo

Jimmy Karryawo is an Ethiopian who grew up as a shepherd taking care of his ,parents’ farm. He escaped a nomadic life at the age of 6 in search of a better life. He is presently studying Political Administration and International Relations at the Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen, Germany.

Jimmy sees all people as worthy and full of potentials. He wants to through the BoraCush Project help as many people as he can socioeconomically. Stands behind the BoraCush Project spirit of „inspiring to empower“.

Jimmy is involved in communication with the farmers, the potential BoraCush Project members and the Customers.
Our Vision

…Inspiring to Empower!

BoraCush was conceived as a result of a deep seated sense of responsibility, love and respect for the people and continent of Africa. The name BoraCush is a combination oft two words „Bora“ meaning better in Swahili and „Cush“ referes to Africa. So BoraCush in essence means „Better Africa!

Our vision is to empower the people economically, through inspiring them to see the abilities and the potentials in them.

…Inspiring to empower!
Our mission

…Inspiring to Empower!

Our thoughts are – if people were empowered enough to be able to make do with the resources available to them and in so doing live a comfortable life with their families and loved ones, they would be less inclined to risk the perils associated with illegal migration. If they could get a certain pride in knowing that what they do is meaningful and pays my bills no matter how lowly it may seem, it will make them put in the effort and do it more and better. We want to help the people develop a healthy pride in who they are, their culture, their countries, their potentials and their lives! We want people to be inspired through what we do, and empower their lives through this inspiration. We are hoping to put together a healthy team who would want to work with us in achieving these goals. It’s going to be multifaceted, but we have to start from somewhere. “The journey of a thousand miles, begins with a step”
We want to see an increased engagement of our people in bettering their lives.